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Boho Bouquet - Blush and Burgendy
  • Boho Bouquet - Blush and Burgendy


    This everlasting bashful bouquet is made up of real dried out flowers and foliage. It has preserved red and blush roses, with a combination of pampas grass, palms, hydrangea, straw flower, banksia, and bunny tails grass. The colors are a stunning combination of burgundy, mauve pink, blush, cream, taupe, and white. It is tied with a mauve pink chiffon ribbon.

    The larger size is great for a bridal bouquet, while the smaller perfect for bridesmaids!

    Large - Length 15 inches and

    Width 12 inches

    Price - $215

    Small - Length and Width - 8 inches

    Price - $125

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